Kotak Mahindra Bank shares have remained under base building mode for near one year. But, for the long term investors, it has delivered stellar return. In post-Covid rebound, Kotak Mahindra Bank share price has ascended from around ₹1175 to ₹1905 apiece levels, logging around 60 per cent appreciation in near two years. However, if an investor had a very long view or say more than a decade then such investors got the benefit of dividends and bonus shares as well. The dividend paying stock has continuously announced dividend since 2008. In between, it announced 1:1 bonus shares as well. So, if an investor had invested in Kotak Mahindra Bank shares around 20 years ago, the absolute value of one’s money would have been more than 500 times.
Kotak Mahindra Bank bonus share history
The dividend paying banking stock has continuously announced interim and final dividend for its shareholders since 2008. In between, the private lender announced bonus shares in 1:1 ratio in July 2015, which mean a shareholder got one bonus share for each share he or she was holding. Thus, shareholding of an investor got doubled after this 1:1 bonus share issuance.
Impact on investors’ money
Twenty years ago, Kotak Mahindra Bank shares were available at ₹6.88 apiece levels (its close price on NSE on 25th October 2022). If an investor had invested in Kotak Mahindra Bank shares twenty years ago, he or she would have got 14,534 Kotak Mahindra Bank shares. After issuance of 1:1 bonus shares, its shareholding would have become 29,068 Kotak Bank shares. Kotak Bank share price today is ₹1905. This means, absolute value of one’s ₹1 lakh invested in Kotak Mahindra Bank shares twenty years ago would have turned to ₹5.53 crore today.
Kotak Mahindra Bank shares are available for trade on BSE, NSE, Futures and Options. The banking stock ended on Friday with a market cap of ₹3,77,816 crore and its trade volume on NSE was 39,41,971, which was more than double of its last 20 days average volume of 18,75,436. Its Earnings Per Share (EPS) is 65.66. The banking stock is standing at current PE multiple of 29 whereas sector PE is 25.35.
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