Muzaffarnagar, Oct 3 (PTI) In a drive against illegal firecracker manufacturing ahead of Diwali, the police on Monday raided a village in the neighbouring Shamli district and seized over five quintals of gunpowder and a huge amount of firecrackers.
The police also arrested two men, identified as Anuj Kumar and Gulshan, during the raid at Mawi village under Kairana police station in the district, an official said.
The seized firecrackers included 24 cartons of sprinklers and four cartons of bombs, he said.
The action follows the October 1 fire in a building doubling as an illegal firecracker manufacturing unit in which four persons had been killed and as many injured.
The Shamli police also arrested for persons, including two owners of the building, he said. PTI CORR RAX
Disclaimer :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is auto-generated from news agency feeds. Source: PTI
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