Automobiles News

Brazil, Mexico automobile sales making a come back


New automobile sales in Latin America’s largest markets, Brazil and Mexico, were collectively up nearly 23% in the first seven months of 2021. 

From January to July, sales in Brazil rose 25.9% year-over-year to 1.17 million units. With sales up 99%, Fiat led with a 23% share of the market.  It was followed by Chevrolet (+17.5% y-o-y) and Ford (-61.6%). 

In the same period, sales in Mexico increased 17.3% year-over-year to 597,557 units. Nissan led (+21%) with a 20.7% market share, followed by Chevrolet (-1.4% y-o-y) and Suzuki (+48%), according to automotive research and data group Focus2Move. 

Sales performances in the two countries, however, are yet to recover to pre-pandemic (2019) levels. 

For more information on these countreis and other, visit Wikifleet, a collaborative effort by the Global Fleet team covering five regions and nearly 50 countries around the world. 

Photo (copyright: Shutterstock)


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