News Tribune, Oct. 20, 1982
- In August, Duluth-Superior placed third among the nation’s metropolitan districts with the worst unemployment rates, according to U.S. Labor Department statistics. The Twin Ports, with a 19.5% jobless rate, finished behind Youngstown, Ohio, at 20.9%, and Decatur, Illinois, at 19.9%.
- A controversial proposal to consolidate Douglas County’s two rural ambulance stations at a new garage is expected to draw fire at a meeting tonight. Supporters say the proposal would save the county money and upgrade emergency medical treatment for rural residents.
News Tribune, Oct. 20, 1922
- Northern Minnesota’s forest fire season, which has threatened this part of the state since August, will officially end today. The work of patrolling and guarding the area will now be done by the eight rangers working out of the Duluth District office.
- A recent test using peat for fuel in the St. Louis County Courthouse in Duluth determined that peat cannot replace coal. The peat kept up the steam as well as coal, but more work was required to feed it into the furnace.
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