Container Corporation of India (CONCOR), in association with SCR’s Secunderabad division, has started the first rake of ‘door-to-door containerised’ movement of cement on Wednesday. The ₹ 20-lakh first rake that started from Jaggayyapet station to Shalimar, Kolkata in West Bengal has been flagged off on Thursday by Divisional Railway Manger A.K. Gupta through virtual mode.
CONCOR has come up with a solution of not only picking up the commodities directly from the factory to the railway station, but also of delivering the same to the end customers including bulk consumers, dealers, etc. The benefits of this new initiative include one-stop transport solution to the supplier as well as customer and reduction of any en route pilferages/damages.
Establishment of a container handling terminal at a place like Jaggayyapet will give fillip to the industry around, especially the cement industry with no rail connectivity enabling them to avail the benefits of long lead rail transportation, said General Manager Gajanan Mallya in a press release.
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