Gilat Satellite Networks (Gilat) has won a new contract in the lucrative Brazilian oil and gas market. It announced Oct. 20 that it was selected by Sencinet to work on an oil and gas industry satellite connectivity project for Petrobras, Brazil’s largest oil and gas company.
Petrobras aims to modernize and expand its onshore/offshore telecommunications capabilities with satellite connectivity solutions powered by Gilat’s SkyEdge II-c SATCOM network. Sencinet is deploying Gilat’s SkyEdge II-c within offshore platforms, ships, and land stations as part of a managed services satellite connectivity project they are providing to Petrobras.
“There is a broad market for solutions like these all across Brazil and together with Gilat we plan to accelerate our growth with companies that provide services to Petrobras, as well as with private oil and supply boat companies involved in exploration and logistics throughout the country,” Jayme Ribeiro, Sales and Marketing Executive Director, Sencinet, said in a statement.
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