Healthcare News

How healthcare worker vaccination mandates fared in DC, Virginia, Rhode Island


As COVID-19 vaccination mandates continue to take effect across the U.S., preliminary results are in for requirements in Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Six things to know:


1. Falls Church-based Inova Health System lost 89 workers for noncompliance with the system’s Sept. 1 vaccine requirement, J. Stephen Jones, president and CEO of the system, told The Washington Post. This represents less than half of 1 percent of its 20,000-person workforce.

2. Seventy-two employees were terminated from Winchester-based Valley Health on Sept. 21, for noncompliance with the Sept. 7 vaccine requirement, health system officials told The Washington Post. About 300 of the system’s 6,000 workers received a religious or medical exemption, officials said.

Washington, D.C.

3. In August, Washington, D.C., announced that tens of thousands of healthcare workers in the district must receive at least the first dose of Pfizer or Moderna or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine by Sept. 30. District officials said nearly 2,500 healthcare workers remained unvaccinated as of Oct. 2 following the district deadline, according to The Washington Post. About 70 percent of them are requesting a religious exemption.

Rhode Island

4. Rhode Island’s mandate covers state hospitals, the Rhode Island State Public Health Laboratories and the Veterans Home in Bristol, as well as licensed healthcare providers at all other state facilities. It required workers to be vaccinated by Oct. 1 or risk losing their jobs, unless they have an approved exemption.

5. As of Oct. 2, 92 healthcare facilities in Rhode Island were unable to meet the state’s deadline requirement that all employees be vaccinated and were requesting a 30-day extension, according to The Boston Globe. This includes four hospitals owned by Providence-based Lifespan, as well as the state-run Eleanor Slater Hospital.

6. Lifespan spokesperson Kathleen Hart told the Globe 98 percent of its workforce was vaccinated as of Oct. 1, and partially vaccinated workers have until Oct. 31 to receive their second shot.


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