Bollywood veteran Jaya Bachchan has often grabbed the attention of the netizens for her behavior with the media. Recently the actress was brutally criticized for her statement after she told a paparazzi that she hopes he falls. While in a recent podcast with her granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda the actress finally addressed the issue of why she despises the media. Here’s what she said-
Jaya Bachchan Reveals Why She Gets Disgusted With The Media
Jaya revealed that she doesn’t like people gossiping about someone’s private life she said, “I hate it. I despise it. I despise the people who interfere in your personal life and fill their stomachs by selling those products. I hate it, I’m disgusted with such people. I always tell them, I say, ‘Aapko Sharam nahi aati hai (Don’t you feel ashamed?)’.”
She added, “I feel very strongly and it’s not that it’s today, I felt it from day one. I don’t mind if you talk about my work. You say, ‘She’s a bad actor and she has done this film badly, she’s not looking nice, because it’s visual media, don’t mind. But the rest I do mind. Because people who see they see it for a second and then move on. They’re onto something else.”
Jaya Bachchan On Trolls
The actress has often been trolled by the netizens for her behavior, addressing the same Jaya said, “If people are going to earn their living by putting all my angry speeches on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter, I give a damn. I don’t give a damn. You have an opinion about them personally, and you have an opinion about the work they do I understand. You criticize it, you cut it into pieces I accept. You can say, ‘She is a bad actor, a bad parliamentarian’ but you have no business sitting on the judgment of my personal character. ‘She only knows how to get angry. Angry about what? You’re intruding, interfering in my personal when I’m walking somewhere, you’re taking my picture. Why? Am I not a human being?”
ALSO READ: Urfi Javed Slams Jaya Bachchan For Being “Rude” With Paps
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