Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited on Saturday announced the appointment of C S Rajan as an additional and independent director on the bank’s board. Rajan’s appointment is for a period of five years effective 22 October 2022, subject to the approval of the members of the bank.
Rajan has over 40 years of experience across significant government portfolios. He has held leadership roles ranging from sub-divisional magistrate and collector to chief secretary and then the whole time Dy. chairman of the chief minister’s advisory council, Rajan has served the government of Rajasthan in key sectors including agriculture and rural development, industry including MSME, infrastructure, including roads and energy, financial services, general administration and business management et al.
“He has served on a number of interdisciplinary teams for review of World Bank projects, and also as a consultant to the World Bank on a study on ‘Farmer Participation in Agricultural Research and Extension System,” Kotak bank said in its official statement.
Rajan is currently serving as a non-executive chairman of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited, appointed by the government of India, and was also its managing director from April 2019 to October 2022.
“We are delighted to welcome Mr Rajan to the Bank’s Board of Directors. His deep and diverse expertise across vital sectors of the economy, including infrastructure, roads, energy, agriculture & rural development, industry and commerce will guide us as we chart out the next phase of the Bank’s growth, in step with the growth of the Indian economy. He will bring a fresh perspective to the deliberations, particularly in the context of the sectors vital to India’s future, and the Board is looking forward to working with him closely,” said Prakash Apte, Non-Executive Independent Chairman, Kotak Mahindra Bank.
Rajan holds a postgraduate degree in History from St Stephen’s College, University of Delhi and is a retired Indian Administration Services (IAS) officer of the 1978 batch.
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