Actor Kushal Tandon has quit social media and revealed the reason in an Instagram post on Friday morning. He wrote, “Off this so called social media..Until then stay human in social and in your family.”
In an interview, Kushal Tandon has also apologised to the late actor Sidharth Shukla. Sidharth was cremated on Friday at the Oshiwara crematorium in Mumbai. He died on Thursday morning at the age of 40.
According to a ZoomTV report, he added, “Hang your head in shame. Disgusted with everything that is going on. If u really wanna pay respect say a lil prayer for the departed soul, rather than making this an opportunity to be clicked! #Youknowwhoyouare #Sad I am sorry sid! rest in peach super star.”
Upon the Bigg Boss 13 winner’s death, Kushal Tandon had shared a video with him and wrote, “And what we leave behind? Love, warmth, passion , conduct and deep compassion for each other. Why is it difficult to follow when we are alive? Life is unpredictable, love more , judge less , love and remember people more often when they are around you not when they are gone ….gone to soon my brother , see you on the other side , give my love to sushanth , see you on the other side , chill with angels happiness and more peace afterlife.”
A few other actors are also dismayed over thedevelopment of events post the sudden death of Sidharth Shukla. Puja Banerjee also announced her exit from social media to “avoid seeing stupid photos and videos of someone’s death and their close ones being troubled by media”. Suyyash Rai and Rahul Vaidya have also expressed their disappointment.
Also read: Anushka Sharma amplifies Zakir Khan’s post on death becoming a ‘tamasha’
Taking to Twitter, Gauahar wrote late Thursday, “Any one who has met a grieving family, should not give out details. Really sad to see people giving interviews about family members and sharing details. Stop! Please stop! If you have gone to pay your respect don’t come out and become a khabri (informer) and add to the low standard of journalism.”
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