In Ohio, October brings much to look forward to — autumn colors, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, Friday night lights, and, of course, Manufacturing Month.
Earlier this year, I was elected by industry peers to serve as chair of The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA). As an executive with Whirlpool Corp., which has about 9,600 workers across its five manufacturing plants in Ohio, I am honored to lead this 111-year-old organization.
Chairing the OMA provides an opportunity to speak about the importance of manufacturing and what the industry means to the Buckeye State in terms of opportunity and quality of life.
Manufacturing stats for Ohio
Now that Manufacturing Month is here, it’s time to remind fellow Ohioans — especially those in middle school, high school, and college, as well as workers seeking new opportunities — why manufacturing remains the backbone of Ohio. Among the many reasons are the following:
1. Ohio is the third-largest manufacturing state in terms of jobs and economic output.
2. Even in the midst of the pandemic, Ohio manufacturers still provide more than 660,000 jobs for Ohioans.
3. As of 2019, Ohio manufacturing jobs paid, on average, almost $63,000 (that figure is undoubtedly higher in 2021) — while offering the opportunity to advance and earn much more.
4. Manufacturing provides Ohioans more than $44 billion in total wages — more than any other sector.
5. Ohio manufacturers are producing goods for the entire world, with $45 billion in exported products to more than 200 countries and territories.
In recent years, some have incorrectly downplayed the importance of American manufacturing. But the past year-and-a-half has demonstrated a vibrant manufacturing sector is imperative to our state’s (and nation’s) financial well-being, health, and national security.
According for the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), for every dollar of manufacturing value-added, another $2.79 of economic activity is generated elsewhere across the economy. For every manufacturing job, another 3.4 jobs are created in non-manufacturing industries.
By itself, manufacturing in the U.S. would be the eighth-largest economy in the world.
Despite these impressive figures, the workforce shortage and falling labor force participation are significant concerns to the industry. At last check, OhioMeansJobs.com listed nearly 235,000 available jobs statewide. Nearly 30,000 of those jobs were in manufacturing.
Working overtimes to modernize how we develop a workforce
This is why manufacturers in the Buckeye State, along with their partners, are working overtime to modernize the way Ohio develops its manufacturing workforce. We are executing multiple strategies, including:
• Establishing a statewide network of industry sector partnerships, led by manufacturers that are working together to promote local manufacturing careers and address regional workforce challenges.
• Expanding earn-and-learn opportunities, such as apprenticeships — and looking to employ populations that traditionally have been under-represented in the industry.
• Educating students, parents, and career-switchers about the well-paying jobs in modern manufacturing, using tools such as MakingOhio.com.
The good news is Ohio has a strong foundation and solid support to advance these workforce efforts. The DeWine-Husted administration and key members of the General Assembly have been strategic in funding industry-recognized credentials though programs like TechCred —– which has provided a big boost to Ohio’s skilled workforce.
Moreover, Ohio has in place a strong manufacturing training infrastructure with more than two dozen community colleges and more than 50 career tech centers for high school students.
When it comes to manufacturing workforce development, Ohio is a national leader.
I invite all Ohioans to celebrate Manufacturing Month by talking to your local manufacturers and exploring the many opportunities they offer. Moreover, encourage young people you know to investigate manufacturing careers that interest and challenge them.
Ohioans who want to learn more about the workforce challenge should consider attending the Ohio Manufacturers’ Workforce Summit on Oct. 27 and 28. This all-virtual summit will be conducted over two half-days. The public is invited to participate.
Dale Laws is chairman of The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, and Whirlpool Corp.’s vice president of manufacturing ops, laundry, and dishwashers.
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