Manufacturing News

Manufacturing is still the backbone of Ohio


Dale Laws

In Ohio, October brings much to look forward to — autumn colors, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, Friday night lights, and, of course, Manufacturing Month. 

Earlier this year, I was elected by industry peers to serve as chair of The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA). As an executive with Whirlpool Corp., which has about 9,600 workers across its five manufacturing plants in Ohio, I am honored to lead this 111-year-old organization.

Chairing the OMA provides an opportunity to speak about the importance of manufacturing and what the industry means to the Buckeye State in terms of opportunity and quality of life.

Manufacturing stats for Ohio

Now that Manufacturing Month is here, it’s time to remind fellow Ohioans — especially those in middle school, high school, and college, as well as workers seeking new opportunities — why manufacturing remains the backbone of Ohio. Among the many reasons are the following:


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