Never mind the somewhat clumsy allusion to Terminator-like doom. Or the fact, Equiterre, a Quebec-based NGO that until recently had been known best for its efforts promoting organic farming, is now purporting to be an expert on how automobile emissions are affecting climate change. Ignore the fact the organization is so progressive it seems to view “attractive financing” for automobiles as a bad thing, and “technology-related features” as entreaties to evil.
In releasing its recent study — The Rise of Light-Duty Trucks in Canada: Reversing the Trend — the group wants all of us to start viewing the sale of light-duty trucks — pickups and SUVs, to be specific — as “an issue of public health and safety” that warrants using “existing advertising restrictions” to “change the public’s perception of light-duty trucks.” In plainer words, it wants to do to pickups what the federal government has done — or at least tried to do — to cigarettes; render them socially unacceptable.
Never mind that the anti-smoking campaigns Equiterre hopes to emulate are facing a backlash, our youth — OMG, I am so shocked — rebelling against anything smacking of parental restriction. Or that pickups, unlike tobacco — which offers no tangible use other than the delivery of a narcotic, namely nicotine — are the very essence of utilitarian light-duty vehicles. Nonetheless, Equiterre wants to treat the promotion of all light-duty trucks as we do cigarette advertising. All encouragements geared to the sale of light-duty trucks therefore would need to come with warnings that pickups hurt babies, or that driving an SUV is highly addictive.
OK, I can already hear you groaning about a slippery slope too far. Nobody could really be so stupid as to compare an automobile to a cigarette, right? Except it’s right there in the five main goals of Reversing the Trend. The group’s third recommendation is that governments “draw on the increasingly stringent regulations governing the promotion of tobacco products as models” to bring in “progressive regulation of automobile advertising,” all to be monitored by a committee — no doubt chaired by right-thinking enviroweenies — overseeing all light-truck advertising. If Equiterre had its way, every tailgate in the land would be resplendent with skull and crossbones, and pickup owner’s manuals would be chockablock with graphic illustrations of blackened lungs and babies in oxygen tents.
To be clear, I’m not promoting pickups. In fact, I’m no fan of the beasts, nor their casual use as urban assault vehicles. In too many cases, they are wasteful, unnecessary and, as the authors of the report contend, purchases too frequently ego-driven. Nor is there any arguing with the organization’s contentions that light-duty trucks make up too large a portion of our national fleet; 79.9 per cent of us do not need to haul boats to the cottage or ferry the first line to hockey practice.
Nor is there be much argument that traditional automakers can easily circumvent ZEV mandates to produce these gas-guzzling monsters. Indeed, Motor Mouth recently contended that domestic automakers were using Quebec’s own ZEV rules to increase overall CO2 emissions by simply producing just enough electric vehicles to sell even more pickups without incurring penalties.
But, as Driving.ca recently pointed out in its Road to Reduced Emissions roundtable, that is more a matter of poorly-written public policy than false advertising. Nonetheless, Equiterre’s solution to this problem of clumsily-crafted legislation — essentially, Quebec’s ZEV legislation allows automakers to sell any number of hulking gas-guzzlers as long as they also move a bare minimum of EVs — is to promote even more poorly-written public policy. If Equiterre really understood the problem, it would be asking the Quebec government to craft hard-hitting regulations limiting the amount of CO2 an automaker’s entire fleet is allowed to emit rather than some showy, virtue-signalling rules promoting the sale of a few token EVs.
They believe the reason I choose to drive to my gym is not because public transportation would waste three hours of my day, but because I’m trying to show off the size of my pee-pee
Unfortunately, trucks are not the only vehicles facing calls for restrictions in La Belle Province. A study by the David Suzuki Foundation — Mobility and Psychology: Understanding and Acting to Support Behavioural Change — wants to implement “personalized behavioural change interventions” to “promote a paradigm shift in mobility.” I’m not sure what such a “personalized behavioural change intervention” might be, but it sounds a little too Orwellian for my liking and probably involves ordinary citizens being discouraged from buying a car.
And, like the authors of the Equiterre report, The Suzuki Foundation’s Jerome Laviolette seems to place much of the blame on automobile advertising, noting that more effective public transportation is not in and of itself enough to reduce reliance on private vehicles. Nor are the “demand-management strategies” currently being implemented — congestion pricing, increased gas tax, and higher parking fees — all of which he condemns as “insufficient.”
Instead, he suggests we need massive “sustainability mobility campaigns” to “change perceptions, attitudes and social norms towards the car.” I think it would be safe to say that none of these promotional materials would be painting a positive picture of the privately-owned automobile. Indeed, one of the Foundation’s primary recommendations to the Quebec government is to find a way to “de-normalize the mobility model based on the private automobile.”
The truly scary part of these reports — especially the Suzuki Foundation’s recommendations — is that they completely trivialize the benefits of the automobile. Indeed, in the entire Mobility and Psychology: Understanding and Acting to Support Behavioural Change summary, there is virtually no mention of the practicalities of owning one’s own automobile. You know, the general mobility of going where you want when you want, or even the slightest mention that you might need to carry goods and/or belongings along the way.
Instead, the author goes on — at some length, mind you — trying to reduce the desire for car ownership to trite “psychological and social determinants of the attractiveness of the car.” These, according to Laviolette, range from the merely symbolic (self-expression, wealth, etc.) to the outright emotional (feeling of dominance). “Thus, for a large share of citizens,” says the Transportation and Climate Change Fellow, “collective and active transport are perceived as unable to compete with the private car precisely because they do not provide symbolic and emotional advantages.” Nor does it offer the “positive image of the car conveyed in popular culture (masculinity, wealth, success, control, independence, etc.).”
In fact, Laviolette contends that emotional and social factors are “equal to or more important than the influence of utilitarian aspects in the choice to travel by cars.” In other words, the reason I choose to drive to my gym — sometimes twice a day, no less — so I can instruct young boxers is not in the least because public transportation would waste three precious hours of my day, but rather because I’m just trying to show off the size of my pee-pee.
To be crystal-clear, let me state that ego and social status most definitely have a significant influence on which car you buy, but anyone believing that the predominant reason humans choose to purchase any automobile is social status and public perception is simply too stupid to be advising anyone, let alone government officials looking to set important public policy.
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