Warangal: Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao has asked the department officials to immediately assess the roads damaged due to heavy rains across the state and submit an estimate to him within two to three days. He also directed the officials to take up road repairs on a fast track.
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At a review meeting here on Thursday, he discussed progress of laying of CC roads, Employment Guarantee Scheme roads and PMGSY roads taken up under the Panchayat Raj department. He drew the attention of officials to road cuts due to rains, potholes and asked the authorities to meet him again in two to three days with details of PR roads damaged by rains, damage estimates and proposals for their repair.
He also directed the engineering officials to immediately take up repairs on a war footing while not causing any trouble to road users. Panchayat Raj Superintending Engineer (SE) Joga Reddy, DEE Sankaraiah and other officials and other officials attended the meeting in person.
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