
Pricing Strategy has a bigger impact on the success of your Business

Research shows that the factors influencing NPS by analyzing the impact of 36 elements on responders and promoters, it became unsurprisingly, that product quality, expertise and responsiveness were the strongest predictors of customer loyalty. Respondents said that cost-cutting was more important in their decisions than their answers to other questions suggested. To address this weakness, the data from the interviews identified companies that decided to increase sales support to resellers, provide better training and tools in areas such as customer segmentation, market recognition and price and simplify their sales processes.

Dynamic pricing helps improve speed of decision making by providing more detailed insights – for example by comparing deals against peer groups and taking into account several criteria for price recommendations, such as strategy, contract size, customer type, product type and mix. Companies can also better understand and predict when they will push up prices and when they will be able to take advantage of a lower price to avoid volume losses. Business leaders can see how the use of a system which allows them to reset real-time price targets at the customer and product level based on actual facts can improve pricing.

Successful B2B e-commerce companies adjust their pricing strategies to maximize profit per customer, regardless of whether a product is offered through multiple e-commerce payment portals. Effective teams use the knowledge gained to adapt their offers to the needs of customers, for example by making relevant cross-sell recommendations and improving loyalty.

Competition, the general economic environment, the perceived value and emotional factors are just a few factors to consider. In addition, each product, each customer and each market has a unique price sensitivity that must be taken into account. Designing algorithms that take these many variables into account can be difficult, but by taking into account heuristics for each product and customer market sensitivity, you can improve the price and performance of each transaction.

Your B2B pricing structure is influenced by your product which raises the bar in terms of industry standards, economic environment and the needs of the local market in which you operate. Market changes in pricing by industry leaders can affect the prices of all market participants. Each customer has unique specifications and expectations as well as a unique perception of the value of your brand and product.

Customers who believe that your brand has a strong connection to your B2B business are less sensitive to the price than customers who are new to you or don’t know your product line. Low prices suggest to the customer that the product in question is not as valuable or inferior in quality as a higher-priced product. Low prices for your products can make customers more aware of their quality and, in general, they are more able to detect defects and potential defects. You need to understand how price increases work and why they are good for your business and your customers.

Many companies believe that value-based pricing is about the value of their product. Research into competitor prices is indispensable for your B2B pricing strategy. Once you have a solid understanding of your target audience, your competitors and product value, you can start developing your value-driven pricing strategy to optimize your product.

Although it is important to develop great products and increase market awareness, I would argue that price has the greatest impact on the success of your business, that it influences customers “purchasing decisions more than any other area of business, and changes that produce positive results in pricing (e.g. Effective marketing, pricing and product development work together, and if one of the three links is weak, the whole chain will not reach its full potential for a successful business.

In order to soften the blow of a price increase, your main focus should be on the building of a successful strategy, otherwise it will lead to massive customer loss and a poor impression in your brand. Before you announce a price increase to your customers, you should convince your internal team of the change by the customer-oriented team and the customer success in sales and customer service.

Bulk customers tend to be more price sensitive than small customers. Customers who buy frequently are more price sensitive than less frequent buyers. In addition, different customers have individual ideas about the value and support of a brand relationship.

Prepare to share the steps your company will take to avoid a price increase. This includes ways to reduce costs, but price increases are the only way to maintain the quality of service that customers expect. Your business cannot raise prices in spite of customers, and that is why you should tell customers. Customer service should provide FAQs and guides to ensure that customers can share accurate information when they ask for elements of the price increase.