PUNE A national award in the field of science given by the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) for 2021 has been awarded to Prof Vidya Dnyaneshwar Avasare, from the Sir Parshuram Bhau (SP) College, Pune. Prof Avasare is head of department (HOD) of chemistry at the college and has been a teachers for the last 25 years.
The INSA award is a cash prize of ₹50,000 and a book grant of ₹25,000 for broadly relevant books for educational purposes. The award was instituted to recognise and honour teachers who have inspired students to take up careers in Science and Technology.
Prof Avasare said, “This award is very prestigious in the science field nationally. I am honoured to receive this award, because it is important for college faculties to get recognised nationally for quality research and teaching. I would be happy that my students as well as other faculties would take inspiration and contribute to the field of science.”
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