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Things that OCD can make us believe: Therapist explains


Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

  • From performing rituals to having intrusive thoughts about harm, here are a few things that OCD can make us believe.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a mental condition where a person gets compelled to perform repetitive tasks. Cleaning, arranging, organising and counting repeatedly are some of the symptoms of OCD. However, OCD can often make us believe in certain things that are not true. Therapist Maythal Eshaghian explained.(Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a mental condition where a person gets compelled to perform repetitive tasks. Cleaning, arranging, organising and counting repeatedly are some of the symptoms of OCD. However, OCD can often make us believe in certain things that are not true. Therapist Maythal Eshaghian explained.(Unsplash)


OCD can make us believe that in order to feel safe, we should perform certain rituals. However, that’s not true and we should know how to sit with uncomfortable thoughts. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

OCD can make us believe that in order to feel safe, we should perform certain rituals. However, that’s not true and we should know how to sit with uncomfortable thoughts. (Unsplash)


OCD can make a person believe that having a thought is equivalent to performing the action, even when the person has no intention of acting on it. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

OCD can make a person believe that having a thought is equivalent to performing the action, even when the person has no intention of acting on it. (Unsplash)


It makes a person believe that they can prevent disasters and harm by specific actions, leading to more rituals and compulsions. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

It makes a person believe that they can prevent disasters and harm by specific actions, leading to more rituals and compulsions. (Unsplash)


Thinking about a harmful act is not equivalent to committing it – however, OCD makes us believe that it's true. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

Thinking about a harmful act is not equivalent to committing it – however, OCD makes us believe that it’s true. (Unsplash)


Having intrusive thoughts about harm can make us feel like a bad person – this is often the effect of OCD. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 28, 2023 05:04 PM IST

Having intrusive thoughts about harm can make us feel like a bad person – this is often the effect of OCD. (Unsplash)


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