News Tourism & Hospitality

UST CTHM tops THE ICE survey


THE College of Tourism and Hospitality Management (CTHM) of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) has attained the number one ranking of a survey conducted by the International Center of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE ICE) i-graduate Student Satisfaction Global Index 2022.

UST-CTHM received top marks for the following criteria: Pre-arrival info, social orientation, study sense, introduction to support services, the cost of accommodation, financial support, the social activities (organized events), and student unions.

They were awarded during the International Panel of Experts in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on November 7 to 9 and was received by Dean Gezzez Granado.

UST is a member of THE ICE since 2016. It is an accreditation, benchmarking and quality enhancement organization in tourism, hospitality, events and culinary arts education, and has a network of 44 members in 19 countries.

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