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10 amazing foods that can help ease anxiety | Health


During times of stress and anxiety, we tend to go overboard on salty snacks and sugary treats. While it activates the pleasure centres of our brain and may even make us feel better for a short window, but in long term, these high-fat foods end up doing more damage than good and make us prone to depression and anxiety. Processed meats, high sugar foods, tea and coffee can increase cortisol production and exacerbate anxiety symptoms. On the other hand, there are certain foods you can trust on to bring your anxiety levels down. Cashews, berries, oranges, dark chocolate, turmeric are some of the superfoods that can help ease anxiety. (Also read: 5 foods that trigger stress and anxiety)

Cashews, berries, oranges, dark chocolate, turmeric are some of the superfoods that can help ease anxiety.(Pixabay)
Cashews, berries, oranges, dark chocolate, turmeric are some of the superfoods that can help ease anxiety.(Pixabay)

“What you eat can have an impact on your emotional well-being. Certain foods can help support and soothe anxious feelings, while others may be agitators. Using food as medicine is a smart first line of defense for mild forms of anxiety. But as always, check with your healthcare practitioner to see what treatments are right for you. It is important to note that while these foods can be helpful in managing anxiety, they should not replace proper treatment,” says Uma Naidoo, a Harvard Medical School-certified psychiatrist and nutrition specialist (Cornell University) in her recent Instagram post.


She lists 10 superfoods that can help you with anxiety symptoms.

Cashews can aid in relaxation and calmness due to their high magnesium content.

Berries have antioxidants that can protect the body and brain from oxidative stress that can worsen anxiety.

Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin C, which can support the adrenal glands that produce stress hormones.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in wild salmon have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects.

Probiotics in pickles can support gut health, which has been linked to improved mood.

Avocados contain healthy fats and B vitamins that can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Flavonoids in dark chocolate may have mood-boosting properties.

L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, can promote relaxation and improve sleep.

Swiss chard is a good source of magnesium and potassium, both of which can have calming effects on the body.


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