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3 Yoga exercises to boost mental agility and brain power | Health


Yoga experts believe that through the use of asanas, breath control and meditation methods, Yoga may be used as a scientific instrument to increase intellect in addition to providing a host of other priceless advantages. Yoga is a movement-based discipline where exercises or asanas include poses like Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar, Bakasana, Bal Bakasana and more which entail applying pressure to particular pressure points in the body and brain, that enhances general health.

3 Yoga exercises to boost mental agility and brain power (Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash)
3 Yoga exercises to boost mental agility and brain power (Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, shared, “Practising yogic pranayama methods affects internal systems, balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and improving blood flow to the brain. Yoga helps the brain’s grey matter, which is in charge of critical processes like memory, cognition, and coordination, grow by balancing the body’s energy fields.”

He added, “Yoga also incorporates specific visualisation and meditation practises that have quantifiable effects on the brain and its neurons. It successfully affects the two different cerebral hemispheres, boosting and balancing the activities of the right and left brains. Yoga is a practise that has been demonstrated to improve both physical and mental health, which has tremendous potential for us.”

According to him, you may improve your mental health and cognitive capacities by adopting the following Yoga practises into your daily routine for Neural Activity Enhancement:

  1. Bakasana (Crow Pose)
Bakasana (Crow Pose) (Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar)
Bakasana (Crow Pose) (Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar)

Method: Begin in the Samasthithi (equal standing) position. Lean forward and place your palms flat on the ground in front of you, fingers pointing forward and spread apart. Lift your pelvis and raise your toes. Slightly bend your elbows and position your knees just below your armpits. Shift your body weight forward onto your arms, finding balance, and slowly lift both feet off the ground. Bring your feet together and strive to straighten your arms as much as possible.

2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose (Twitter/CandidEssential)
Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose (Twitter/CandidEssential)

Method: Lie down on your back. Position your arms beside your body. Gently lift your legs off the floor, raising them perpendicular to the floor with feet facing upward. Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor. Lift your forearms off the floor, placing your palms on your back for support. Aim for a straight line from your shoulders to your torso, pelvis, legs, and feet. Focus your gaze toward your feet.

3. Visualisation as a Meditation Technique through Brahmaand Dhyan: Universe Meditation

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar revealed, “Brahmaand Dhyan involves visualising the entire solar system, including elements like trees, rivers, seas, forests, and oceans, during meditation. As you engage in this practice, imagine the vastness of the universe while nurturing emotions of love and gratitude.” He highlighted the benefits of Brahmaand Dhyan as:

· Strengthens the mind

· Enhances memory power

· Cultivates focus

· Improves concentration

Insisting that Yoga acts as a conventional science that forges a solid link between the mind and body, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar said, “Through physical motions in the form of asanas, yoga transmits its astounding effects from the body to the brain. On the other hand, because brain waves are electromagnetic energy, pranayama and meditation have an impact on them and cause a beneficial reflection in the body. Regular yoga practitioners report more creativity, which promotes the constructive and focused expression of emotions. These techniques help people develop new habits that promote relaxation of the body and mind over time.”

He concluded, “Including Yoga activities in your regimen can greatly improve cognitive function and brain health. You may boost neural activity, balance brain processes and benefit from everything that yoga has to offer by doing particular asanas and engaging in visualisation and meditation exercises. Accept yoga as a comprehensive method of nurturing your physical and mental well-being and use this age-old practise to tap into your brain’s enormous potential.”


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