Healthcare News

6 hormones and how they impact brain fog


Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

  • From Cortisol to Insulin, here’s how six hormones can impact brain fog.


Brain fog is that condition where a person feels confused, forgetful and faces a lack of mental clarity. This is caused by a lot of factors such as poor diet, lack of sleep and stress. Hormones are also responsible for influencing brain fog. Naturopathic Doctor Corina Dunlap noted down six hormones and the role they play in impacting brain fog. Take a look.(Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Brain fog is that condition where a person feels confused, forgetful and faces a lack of mental clarity. This is caused by a lot of factors such as poor diet, lack of sleep and stress. Hormones are also responsible for influencing brain fog. Naturopathic Doctor Corina Dunlap noted down six hormones and the role they play in impacting brain fog. Take a look.(Unsplash)


Estrogen helps in regulating Melatonin – the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle of the body. Disruption of Melatonin causes brain fog. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Estrogen helps in regulating Melatonin – the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle of the body. Disruption of Melatonin causes brain fog. (Unsplash)


Progesterone is a natural sedative – low levels of this hormone can disrupt sleep cycle, leading to Insomnia and fatigue. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Progesterone is a natural sedative – low levels of this hormone can disrupt sleep cycle, leading to Insomnia and fatigue. (Unsplash)


Low levels of Testosterone can lead to depression and anxiety, further leading to cognitive decline and dementia. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Low levels of Testosterone can lead to depression and anxiety, further leading to cognitive decline and dementia. (Unsplash)


Cortisol impacts the circadian rhythm of the body. Prolonged exposure to Cortisol can lead to anxiety and depression. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Cortisol impacts the circadian rhythm of the body. Prolonged exposure to Cortisol can lead to anxiety and depression. (Unsplash)


Low Thyroid hormones can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters, and contribute to anxiety, stress and brain fog. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

Low Thyroid hormones can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters, and contribute to anxiety, stress and brain fog. (Unsplash)


High levels of Insulin can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, while low levels of Insulin can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 09, 2024 03:24 PM IST

High levels of Insulin can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, while low levels of Insulin can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters. (Unsplash)


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