Insurance News

Pembroke tornado victims urged to file claims with their insurance companies


PEMBROKE, Ga. (WTOC) – It’s been more than a month since a tornado ripped through the Pembroke area but those affected are still feeling the financial burdens of recovery.

A city councilman in Pembroke is urging those affected to work with their insurance companies as questions over why more aid isn’t available for storm victims.

Councilman Johnnie Miller says the amount of uninsured property loss did not meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s benchmark for disaster relief.

He says that while FEMA, GEMA and the county have provided resources, he still worries about the ability of the city’s most vulnerable residents to recover.

While he praises the small business administration’s efforts to help those affected apply for loans, he said some people don’t want to take the risk of going back into debt.

“This is the fear. We have a lot of retired people, a lot of disabled people, a lot of people on fixed income. They can’t afford to take out a $200,000 loan at their age and that position right now because they had their houses paid for and they were totally destroyed and what they built their house for back in 1970/80 will cost triple now,” Miller said.

Miller is calling on those needing recovery funds to contact their state and federal representatives.

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