Cement News

Hatschek plant to combust CO2-reduced fuels


Hatschek plant to combust CO2-reduced fuels

Rohrdorfer’s Hatschek cement plant will have its rotary kiln shut down for repair work between 2 January – 12 February 2023. In addition to the annual routine maintenance at the German plant and the renewal of the refractory kiln lining, numerous improvement measures will be carried out again this year. 

Rohrdorfer Group-owned Südbayerisches Portland-Zementwerk Gebr Wiesböck & Co GmbH will install a new probe for gas analysis at the kiln inlet. To further reduce false air, the kiln outlet and combustion chamber seals will be replaced by a modern system. In addition, the fuel supply to the kiln will be optimised so that CO2 reduced fuels can be used to a greater extent.

The measures reduce the energy consumption of the rotary kiln and therefore, will have an overall positive effect on the cement plant ‘s CO2 emissions. This means that Rohrdorfer is moving one step further towards the goal of producing CO2 neutral cement by 2040.

Published under Cement News


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