Banking News

Active Funds vs Passive Funds: Examples, advantages, and differences


Mutual fund schemes differ in various aspects, and one such point of differentiation is determined by the style in which they are managed. Are they actively managed funds or passive funds? Actively managed funds have a fund manager at the helm, while passive funds typically mimic a benchmark index. There is no right or wrong answer here because both active and passive funds have their share of pros and cons. But it helps to understand the basic characteristics of each type of fund, the advantages of each and the differences between the two.

So besides the core definition, what are the other essential differences between these two types of funds? And how do you decide the fund that is likely to work for you? Read on to find out.


Helpful information for investors: All Mutual Fund investors have to go through a one-time KYC (know your Customer) process. Investors should deal only with registered mutual funds, to be verified on SEBI website under ‘Intermediaries/ Market Infrastructure Institutions’. For redressal of your complaints, you may please visit . For more info on KYC, change in various details & redressal of complaints, visit This is an investor education and awareness initiative by Nippon India Mutual Fund.

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