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Cancer Survivors Day: Tips for cancer survivors to stay healthy and happy | Health


Winning the battle against cancer requires immense resilience and courage. The journey is full of challenges right from the moment of diagnosis to various treatments that change the course of one’s life. Be it living with uncertainty or enduring various side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the disease tests your patience at every step. However, survivors often say that fighting the disease against all odds has made them stronger emotionally and mentally. They also appreciate each day of the life more than before. National Cancer Survivors Day is observed every year on June 4 to celebrate the courageous souls who survived the disease with their willpower and positivity. (Also read: Eradicate breast cancer? The hunt for a vaccine looks promising)

National Cancer Survivors Day 2023: Embrace a healthy lifestyle by focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and stay well hydrated. (Shutterstock)
National Cancer Survivors Day 2023: Embrace a healthy lifestyle by focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and stay well hydrated. (Shutterstock)

Dr Anil D’cruz, Director of Oncology at Apollo Cancer Centre says that cancer survivors can adopt certain lifestyle changes to lead their life in a healthy way.

1. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Embrace a healthy lifestyle by focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and stay well hydrated. You should limit consumption of processed foods and sugary drinks. Engage in regular physical activity that your physical health permits, gradually increasing intensity in consultation with your doctor.

2. Give priority to self care

Prioritize stress management techniques to enhance your overall well-being. Find activities that help you relax and unwind, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or engaging in hobbies. Balancing work, family, and self-care is crucial for reducing stress levels and fostering a positive mind set. Dedicate time to prioritize your own needs. Ensure you get sufficient rest and quality sleep to rejuvenate your body and mind. Surround yourself with positive people and your loved ones who understand your journey.

3. Regular follow-ups

Regular follow-up appointments with your doctor is essential for monitoring your health and addressing any treatment related sequelae and concerns. Attend these appointments diligently, and openly discuss any new symptoms or changes you notice. These visits enable early detection of any potential recurrence or new health issues, ensuring timely intervention if required.

4. Learn more about cancer

Educate yourself about your specific type of cancer, potential long-term side effects of treatment, and recommended lifestyle modifications. This knowledge empowers you to actively participate in your own health decisions and advocate for your well-being.

5. Avoid cancer risks

Continue to prioritize prevention. Adhere to recommended cancer screenings for early detection, as well as screenings for other types of cancer as appropriate for your age and risk factors. Maintain routine vaccinations and adopt strategies to reduce the risk of secondary cancers, such as avoiding tobacco and excessive sun exposure.

“If you encounter persistent physical or emotional challenges, don’t hesitate to seek professional support. Reach out to your doctor who can refer you to specialists such as oncology psychologists, physical therapists, or rehabilitation experts. Their expertise will aid in addressing your specific needs and ensuring optimal care. Embrace each day with a positive outlook and celebrate the milestones along the way,” says Dr D’cruz.


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