News Retail

Demand Increases Prices Of Fruits In Retail Markets | Pune News


Pune: Prices of apple, pomegranate, orange, sweet lime, custard apple and chiku have increased in the last two weeks spurred by high demand, officials of the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) at the Market Yard said.
Most of these fruits are being sold at over Rs100 per kg in retail markets across the city. The APMC officials said that the supply of all fruits is available at sufficient quantities. As a result, the prices have not gone out of range of common citizens. However, they have not ruled out the possibility of a further spike in prices considering the market demand at present.

Demand increases prices of fruits in retail markets

Datta Kalamkar, the head of the fruits section at Market Yard, said, “The prices have gone up mainly due to high consumption of fruits among citizens.”
“If we receive less supply of fruits then there are chances of escalation in prices. So far, we have been getting over 1,000 quintals of apples. We are getting apples from Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. The rates of this fruit vary, based on its colour, size and sweetness. Currently, a kg of apple is being sold in the range of Rs 40-140 per kg in the wholesale market. But in retail markets, it is being sold anywhere between Rs100- Rs200 per kg,” added Kalamkar.
The market is getting supply of oranges mainly from the Vidarbha region. Custard apple, pomegranate and Chiku mainly arrive from Pune district as well as from neighbouring Solapur, Ahmednagar and Satara districts, said the APMC officials. There is a high demand for papaya in retail markets. One kg of papaya is being sold at Rs100 at several retail markets in the city, said vendors. “The market is getting fruits in limited quantities. Thus, the rates have remained high. The prices may go up further this month. But the rates may come down from January as we start getting more fruits,” said Gajanan Gardare, a former commission agent at the Market Yard.
“Once the market starts getting supply from local farmers, then the prices of oranges, pomegranate, Chiku and sweet lime will go down. Currently, the supply is arriving from outside the district,” said Sandesh Bhadale, a fruit trader at the Market Yard. Meanwhile, customers said that seasonal fruits should be available at affordable prices.
“Now, the prices of vegetables have come down, but we are spending more on fruits. It is a tricky situation for customers,” said Ankush Sale, a resident of Vishrantwadi.


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