News Roads

Gadkari, Infra News, ET Infra


Put boards to inform users of court stay on Delhi-Jaipur stretch of NH-48: Gadkari

NEW DELHI: Union road transport minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday said that he has asked NHAI officials to put a hoarding on the Delhi-Jaipur stretch of NH-48, mentioning it was unable to replace the non-performing contractor due to a stay order from the Delhi high court.

The highway stretch in Rajasthan is in a shambles as the current contractor has stopped the work and challenged the NHAI’s termination notice in court.

“We hardly get people who ask us to take up new work. But there are several, who always try to stop the work. Now, commuters are blaming us for the current state of affairs on the Delhi-Jaipur highway…I have directed NHAI officials to put a hoarding mentioning that the honourable high court has put the stay order and they can’t float a new tender for the remaining work. The NHAI seeks apology from people for the inconvenience they are facing. By doing this, we will show our respect to the court and also inform people about the facts,” Gadkari said sarcastically during a conference organised by industry body ASSOCHAM.

The minister’s comment came a day before the HC was scheduled to take up the case.

While the maintenance and relaying work is on in the Haryana portion of NH-48, it has stopped in Rajasthan.

The NHAI had awarded the work for strengthening and overlaying of 166km of NH-48 in Rajasthan to Roadways Solution India Infra Ltd (RSIIL) in May 2022, and the contractor had got the project quoting less than the NHAI’s estimated cost. The work started in July of the same year and the deadline fixed for completion was January 2024. But the NHAI terminated the contract as the contractor failed to carry out routine maintenance or meet required progress of overlaying on the main carriageway. Consequently, the contractor filed a petition in the Delhi HC, seeking a stay and to restrain the NHAI from invoking the performance bank guarantee and additional bank guarantee.

The court has kept the termination notice in abeyance.


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