News Steel

green steel: Europe’s green steel mandate rocks Indian steel exports


Europe has begun monitoring its imports of steel with an intention to disuade products that are an outcome of processes that result in high carbon emissions. The move is expected to hit Indian steel exporters that have been reliant on polluting coking coal as feedstock to keep their furnaces burning. While there is no immediate impact, Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has catalysed the shift towards Green Steel in India.

Q) What is CBAM? What stage is it presently at?

A) European Union (EU) calls its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) a tool to put a fair price on the emissions during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering their territory. The goal is to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. CBAM entered into application in its transitional phase from October 1, 2023, with the first reporting period for importers ending January 31, 2024. The At its core, CBAM will allow erecting trade barriers that discourage carbon steel – manufactured using coal – and encourage greener alternatives.

Q) How much carbon is emitted while producing steel? How far behind is India compared with global benchmarks?

A) According to domestic industry estimate, carbon emission in India stood at 2.6 ton per 1 ton of steel produced. The global average is much lower at 1.85 ton per 1 ton of steel output. India’s steel sector is said to account for about 12% of the country’s total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This is a matter of concern since Europe will use this as an excuse to levy higher duties on Indian products.

Q) What is the value of steel that India exports? How much of it goes to Europe?A) India exported steel worth Rs 51,334.03 crore from April to September 2023, down from Rs 61,249.92 crore during the same months of the previous fiscal. Italy, Belgium, Spain, and United Kingdom are among the top 10 export destinations for Indian steel. These four countries alone account for Rs 14,090.92 crore worth of steel exports during the first six months of the current fiscal. If we expand the focus group to top 20 export destinations, Netherlands, Poland, and Germany also figure in the list.Q) What is Green Steel? Who gets to decide if Indian steel is green enough?

A) To define a favourable strategy, the Steel Ministry has formed multiple committees that will hammer out solutions for the domestic steel makers. One such committee is to help define Green Steel with Indian perspective in mind.

India is hoping to get a favourable decision on this front by shaping narrative around what gets to be called Green steel. The domestic industry is raising the following questions – Should steel produced using just Hydrogen as a feedstock be categorised as Green? Should this Hydrogen also be produced using green energy such as solar to power electrolysers? What should be the scope of carbon emission taken into account while categorising steel? Should carbon emission during transport of iron ore or finished products also be taken into account while branding steel as green?

Q) What is the way ahead for Indian steel makers? Is there a collective strategy for the country on this issue at this point?

A) The Steel Ministry is committed to a Net-Zero target by 2070, as has been the case for the rest of the country. In the short term (till fiscal 2030), focus will be on reducing carbon emissions in steel industry through promotion of energy and resource efficiency as well as use of renewable energy. For the medium term (between 2030-2047), Green Hydrogen and Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage are the focus areas. The final leg of the transition is the long term (fiscal 2047-2070), which may see disruptive alternative technological innovations.

In line with the same, steel making has been earmarked around 30% of the pilot project budget under the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) which has a total outlay of Rs 19,744 crore by 2030.

Q) What are Indian private sector steel makers doing?

A) Indian corporates are opting for a mix of strategies, some are pushing for Direct-reduced iron (DRI), more commonly known as sponge iron, which is known to have lower emissions. Others are banking on Electric Arc Furnace to recycle steel and claim higher carbon credits. Across the board the domestic steel industry wants government backed incentives to help fund the transition. Among other things, it also wants government assurance to buy any Green steel that the private sector may produce.


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