Healthcare News

Importance of financial planning for healthcare in the light of the pandemic, Health News, ET HealthWorld


Importance of financial planning for healthcare in the light of the pandemicBy Aditya Sharma

Though always very well known, COVID brought to the forefront that healthcare expenses will always arrive unexpectedly and unplanned. Having a sound financial plan for healthcare emergencies will help in these trying times.

The need for healthcare finance planning:
A study revealed that over 55 million people are pushed below the poverty line every year due to out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. The Government of India in 2015 stated that medical expenses can be considered one of the major contributors to poverty, and it offsets any income increase gains or government-introduced schemes to alleviate poverty.

This is particularly worrying, especially considering the global health trends. The incidence of non-communicable diseases, infections and health issues arising from environmental factors and a faulty food chain are on the rise. India, too, is not immune to these trends. With some of the most densely populated and heavily polluted cities in the world, as a country, we are not the picture of health.

India faces high rates of vitamin D and B12 deficiency and an increased incidence of cancer and cardiac-related health issues. Studies show that 1 in 10 Indians will develop cancer during their lifetime. It is evident that lifestyle diseases are one of India’s biggest threats to public health. But the exact underlying causes for these trends are still not entirely known, and if known, remain unaddressed.

With the numbers revealing that healthcare emergencies are unavoidable, the need for a clear healthcare financial plan speaks for itself.

While most Indians are keen on investing and saving for the ‘good things’ such as buying a house or higher education, we are reluctant to invest in defensive sectors like healthcare. The most common mode of healthcare finance planning in the country is insurance, which has less than a 5% penetration rate. This shows that there needs to be a change in the mindset of the people to invest in their health, and more importantly, increase awareness about the same. It also hints at the need to offer people other options for healthcare finance planning.

Role of the government
This government needs to drive this change, set a course and steer markets and citizens towards other viable and effective options. There have been exemplary instances of governments enforcing a completely accessible healthcare system to ensure that no citizen is denied care for the lack of money. Governments should also incentivize citizens to invest in health by floating healthcare bonds and offering tax exemptions for healthcare loans.

It is also the government’s duty to holistically strengthen the healthcare system by improving the social determinants of health such as living conditions and food security measures. But the responsibility is not on the government alone.

While the government sets the larger course, ultimately, the responsibility of steering the ship in the direction resides with individuals, organizations, and companies.

Role of the society
Individuals need to accept that healthcare emergencies are absolutely inevitable to all and plan their finances accordingly. It is advisable to factor 10-15% of their savings corpus exclusively for healthcare, especially if they are over 50 years of age or have ageing parents or other dependents.

Organizations need to understand the value of their employees and shoulder the responsibility of ensuring their wellbeing. With the country moving towards a knowledge economy, this becomes all the more vital. The productive days an organization loses to the sick days availed by its employees is detrimental not just to the company alone but also to the country’s GDP.

Healthcare planning by organizations need not be contained just to financial planning. The adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ holds here. Along with providing medical benefits and insurance, they should also explore an all-rounded approach that focuses on the general physical and mental wellbeing of their employees.

Role of fintech industry
Fintech providers and startups are willing to take risks and come up with disruptive business models. It is very likely that new and effective solutions will stem from companies that are willing to think innovatively, and this is the need of the hour. Existing methods of healthcare finance planning have proven not to stand the test of time or, in this case, the pandemic. Hospitals and healthcare facilities should be creative and accepting of alternate models of healthcare finance management other than health insurance. They can look at ways to create an advanced cash flow through innovative instruments like healthcards that are a win-win for hospitals (improved customer retention) and patients (monetary savings and improved health outcomes).

Planning for medical emergencies is crucial, especially in a post-covid era which showed us the cracks in our healthcare system and our collective mindset towards healthcare finance planning. We need to embrace and understand the need for strategic planning of our healthcare finances and take an effort in investing time and money into preventive measures. And if and when an emergency arises, we should be armed with the best means to combat it.

By Aditya Sharma, CEO, Affordplan

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and does not necessarily subscribe to it. shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.)


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