Manufacturing News

It’s made right here! Students learn about local manufacturing company


YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – There are things made in Youngstown that are shipped around the world. Trivium makes products that are on nearly every shelf at the store.

Its recyclable aluminum threaded bottles hold beverages, personal care products and home care items.
Trivium hosted a manufacturing day Friday to let people know what it does.

A group of MCCTC students walked through the production area and learned why manufacturing is important to Youngstown and how they can be involved.

“One of the products we make is cheese in a can. And they’re like OMG! It’s made here in Youngstown? Really? It was pretty cool to see the excitement on their faces to know that right here in Youngstown we make things that they see every day, and they’re excited about,” Said Plant Trivium Manager Michael Wood.

Trivium hopes some of them could be a part of the workforce in the future, realizing that manufacturing is vital to Youngstown.

Trivium is hiring right now, and you can apply online.

The company has been in Youngstown since 1993 and was previously known as Exal.


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