Insurance News

Motor insurance claim: Of falling coconuts, peacock, elephant & stray dog nuisance: Insurers highlight Indian claims’ peculiarity


Insurers in India grappled with multiple issues while reviewing motor accident claims and among them stood out damage to cars by stray dogs, falling coconuts and even elephants, TOI reported.

According to Go Digit’s year-end roundup, these unique claims showcase the diverse and unexpected challenges faced by vehicle owners in India. Even though they form a comparatively smaller portion of mainstream claims, insurers noted claims arising from collisions with fixed objects or parked vehicles, as well as damages caused by falling branches.

Data shows that the most prevalent type of accident claim results from rear-end collisions with another vehicle, closely followed by frontal collisions and hit-and-run cases.

Among the peculiar incidents, claims involving animals stand out. Regions including Assam, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu witness a significant number of accidents resulting from human-elephant conflicts. Go Digit has processed over 20 claims where elephants were the primary cause of damage. Additionally, an unexpected cause of damage surfaced – excited stray dogs. In a specific area, Indira Nagar in Lucknow, the insurer recorded 110 cases of vehicles damaged by strays.

While public sector insurance companies may not maintain a comprehensive database categorized by the cause of accidents, anecdotal evidence suggests unusual occurrences. An official from a state-owned company mentioned instances where angry peacocks pecked at their own reflections on cars, causing damage.

The insurer also noted an intriguing trend related to sales. The least productive day for Go Digit in terms of new policy sales in 2023 coincided with the World Cup final where Australia triumphed over India by six wickets. Despite the typical surge in online sales on weekends, this Sunday, marked by the cricket final, proved to be unusually quiet for the insurer.In a noteworthy demographic observation, while 215 newborns became policyholders in 2023, the oldest policyholder was Mr. Mathew, a centenarian. This diversity in policyholders emphasizes the broad spectrum of individuals seeking insurance coverage.


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