Infrastructure News

NGA Transitions Homeland Security Infrastructure Program Oversight to DHS


The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has handed over to the Department of Homeland Security responsibility over a program composed of more than 455 data layers that cover critical infrastructure for the U.S. and its territories in support of homeland security and defense missions.

The Homeland Security Infrastructure Program, also known as the Homeland Infrastructure Foundational Level Data, provides data layers to support incident response, preparedness and readiness efforts and recovery decision-making at the national, state and local levels, NGA said Thursday.

This transition shall ensure program efficiencies are gained by centralizing HIFLD data procurement, creation, and dissemination; eliminate potential competing and disconnected NGA and DHS program planning cycles and allow for more successful coordination and collaboration with State and local HS/HD mission partners,” said Rexford Tugwell of NGA’s office of geography.

Since 2002, NGA has been overseeing HIFLD by procuring, reviewing and delivering data layers to support national security and defense missions. The agency’s mission partners on the program include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Transportation, National Interagency Fire Center and North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command.

With the transition, NGA will eliminate legacy HIFLD services across its domains and cease providing HIFLD data services and content via its digital platforms.


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