Ecommerce News

No restriction on e-commerce product delivery till midnight


Residents in Dhaka and other parts will be able to get delivery of foods and products they purchase from e-commerce platforms from morning till midnight, said the Ministry of Commerce in a notification today.

Deliverymen of e-Commerce companies will move normally from 6 am to 12 am, said the notification.

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The ministry’s move came a day after the government allowed online businesses to deliver non-essential products like fashion products such as dresses, electronic goods and books.

The ministry also said the vehicles engaged in transporting food and other essential commodities including agricultural products will be able to move round the clock.

Organizations will provide identity cards and necessary documents to their respective deliverymen and the vehicles involved in transporting the essential commodities. The deliverymen and vehicles for the e-Commerce delivery will have to provide sticker or identity card with the logo and serial number of e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh, the notifications reads.

It also said the restaurants connected with e-Commerce organisation can be opened from 6am to 10pm, maintaining the health guidelines.


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