News Oil & Gas

Oil and Gas: One Union County well producing | Business


Oil and gas activity reported in South Arkansas was limited last week, according to figures quoted by the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission.

Shuler Drilling Company of El Dorado said its Wedgeworth 1 in a Union County wildcat field was a dry hole. It was drilled 1,980 feet FSL and 660 feet FEL in Section 23-17S-13W to a depth of 2,350 feet. Work was completed September 12.

Quanico Oil & Gas of El Dorado completed the Gill No. 1, Section 17-17S-14W in the Champagnolle Field of Union County. It was drilled to 6,300 feet in the Cotton Valley Zone, with perforations between 4,470 and 4,480 feet. Daily production is 20 barrels of 36-gravity oil. Work was finished October 18.

LL Oil Company of Norphlet recompleted the Cook Estate “A” B, Section 16-16S-15W in the Smackover Field of Union County. Total depth was to 2,588 feet. There was no production.


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