If we are to be equipped to play our part worthily in this new set-up we will have to reorient our educational policy and pattern in the light of new National Education Policy 2020. We will have to clarify the relationship of learning to life and the relationship of all the studies and disciplines to one another.
We will have to break down the walls which divide the curricular subjects from one another and illumine whatever we learn from light drawn from different quarters. We will have to remember constantly that, while each subject has its specific boundaries and its own special methods of approach, they are all focused on the different phases of the same panorama of human life.
The “multidisciplinary education courses are designed to give all students a fuller view of life than they can possibly get by devoting themselves exclusively to their own special subjects and it is hoped that, through these courses, students may learn something of the significant contributions that modern Biology, Freud’s theory of the Unconscious, the Scientific method or the creative inspiration that expresses itself in Art and Philosophy, Literature and Music, have made to man’s growing heritage of large areas of which they may well have remained ignorant.
But, while they gain this valuable knowledge about fields not directly their own but vitally related to their life as citizens of today’s world, there is a danger that they may dimly see too many trees and miss the wood altogether! In that case, multidisciplinary education would fail to achieve its real objective which is to provide illumination and not stack the memory with half assimilated facts and theories and ideas.
Hence, there would appear to be some need for a fresh document which attempts, however modestly, to give the students a bird’s eye view of their total domain, intellectual and practical, and enable them to find their bearings in it.
This document has been gifted to us by the Honorable Prime Minister of India Sh Narendra Modi in the form of new National Education Policy 2020. Through the study of reading materials on natural and social sciences, humanities and art, you will certainly acquire a great deal of useful information and understanding in these fields and fill up the lacuna in your knowledge.
But it is important for you to realize that there is a focusing point for all this knowledge, which draws the threads together and gives it a unity and a purpose.
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