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Partners advancing Kashima Port offshore wind project


Wind Power Group, Tokyo Gas and Vena Energy are accelarating the development of the 159.6 MW Kashima offshore wind project in Kashima Port, Japan.

The project will support the 2050 carbon neutrality strategy announced by the Japanese government, which has identified wind power as a key driver to achieve the targets of generating more than half of the country’s electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050.

“Once completed, our local communities will witness renewable energy in motion from the 19 offshore wind turbines located in front of our head office. Wind power generation in Japan is entering a new era,” said Komatsuzaki Mamoru, CEO of Wind Power Group.

“The Kashima Port offshore wind project is a significant milestone for Vena Energy’s offshore wind strategy, and we are excited to accelerate the development of this project together with our partners,” said Nitin Apte, CEO of Vena Energy.

The Kashima offshore wind project is expected to commence construction in 2024, and once completed it should deliver renewable energy to over 70,000 Japanese households annually.


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