News Ports

Port operations nets US$ 39 Mn this year


Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has earned US$ 39 million through the port operations so far in this year, which is an increase of US$ 24 million compared its income of US$ 15 million in the previous year, the Ports, Shipping and Civil Aviation Ministry said. The income has gone up as a result of the increased number of freight operations in the post Covid-19 period. 

The SLPA do not use funds from the Treasury for its development projects.

Meanwhile, the development activities of the East and West Container Terminals of the Colombo Port are being carried out without delay and the progress is up to date, the ministry said.

An advanced payment for the gantry cranes to be installed in the East Container Terminal (ECT) has been made and the supplier is expected to procure them within one and a half years, the ministry said.

The annual capacity of the ECT is 2.4 million TEUs. Civil work of the project will be carried out at a cost of US$ 280 million while US$ 330 million is expected to be spent for the purchase of equipment.



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