News Ports

Port Strategy | European ports prepare for Suez congestion


Port of GothenburgThe ports of Gothenburg (pictured) and Valencia are preparing to handle ships that have been delayed in the Suez Canal. Photo: Gothenburg Port Authority

European ports are preparing for increased traffic following the refloating of the ‘Ever Given’ ship and the reopening of the Suez Canal.

Traffic on the Suez Canal reopened on 29 March. Ships have started to pass through the canal, but there are still hundreds of ships left at the canal’s inlet and outlet waiting for their turn to pass.

Gothenburg Port Authority (GPA) and APM Terminals Nordic are offering global shipping companies the opportunity to come directly to the Port of Gothenburg.

“Instead of queuing in several European ports in a row, we now offer the opportunity to come directly to the Port of Gothenburg. Here, the shipping companies can unload their Scandinavian goods, which can then quickly reach their customers,” said Elvir Dzanic, chief executive of GPA.

In addition, the port is offering the opportunity to unload additional goods with other European destinations. This cargo can then be transhipped to smaller feeder vessels for further transport to other European ports. Larger vessels can then get back into their regular loops more quickly.

Shipping companies bringing vessels directly to Gothenburg will be offered a discount on these extra calls.

Valencia takes action

Several actions were also decided for the Port of Valencia at a meeting of the Marca de Garantía quality system.

The terminals and shipping companies will focus their management on coordinating the empty containers so that they are in the terminal yards for the shortest possible time.

Forwarding companies will inform the companies in the hinterland served by Valencia so that the export containers do not enter the port until the port of call of the ships that have to take them is regulated and authorised to prevent the containers from being stored while awaiting their departure to their destination points.

From 13 April, MSC Terminal Valencia and CSP Iberian Terminal Valencia will bring forward the opening of doors for the delivery of import containers and empty containers. CSP Iberian Terminal Valencia will delay the closing time of the gates which will facilitate the access of export traffic that may have suffered delays in its operations throughout the day. The work inside the terminal will continue after the closing of the gates until all the lorries in the terminal have been dealt with.


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