News Railways

Railway staffer kills self, minor daughter after ‘losing money in online games’ in West Bengal


A railway employee allegedly killed himself and his minor daughter after losing lakhs of rupees in online games in Adra town of Purulia district, police said.

The wife of the deceased, Amar Modak (35), a group D employee in the railways, claimed that she was drugged by him before taking the extreme step. The couple’s five-year-old daughter Ankita was also found dead in the same room where he hanged himself, the police added.

The woman and their neighbours told the police that Amar had got hooked to online games and was not able to get out of the addiction.

An official said, “The incident took place in the railway town of Adra. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem. Prima facie, it appears that the man committed suicide after strangulating his daughter.”

The police said they found in their preliminary investigation that Amar was under heavy debt as he played online games on mobile phone. Creditors used to come to his house demanding repayment of loans due to which he was suffering from mental stress, they said.

The deceased also used to buy lottery tickets, it is learnt.

“Statements of some people have been recorded and the probe is being done from all angles,” the official added.


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