News Ports

Remembering a man with a vision- The New Indian Express


By Express News Service

CHENNAI: March 27, 2021, marked the 100th birth anniversary of ‘Father of Tuticorin Port’ PSTS Thiraviaratnam and 80th anniversary of PSTS Logistics. Thiraviaratnam started the company in 1941, at the age of 20. He foresaw the need for a professional shipping industry, expanded his business by offering ship agency services at old port of Tuticorin, which was then a lighterage port.

He was instrumental in the formation of Tuticorin Harbour Development Council. As a council secretary, he led a team of delegates, met the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and requested for a deep port. This led to the creation of the current Tuticorin Major Port.

His contribution was held in such high regard that he was given the title ‘Father of Tuticorin Port’ by the then chairman of Tuticorin Port Trust NK Raghupathy. Thiraviaratnam breathed his last on June 17, 2007. “His vision continues to energise the next generations till today,” says J Ganesh Ram, his grandson.

From being a leading player in port logistics industry to providing end-to-end port logistics services from Pearl City to ports along East Coast and across the country PSTS has grown from strength to strength. PSTS was declared the ‘Stevedore of the Year’ consecutively for five years at the South East India Cargo Logistics Award.

To serve the community at large, Thiraviaratnam, along with his three sons formed PSTS Foundation. It is headed by T Udaysankar as its managing trustee along with T Velsankar and J Ganesh Ram as trustees. The trust has undertaken various initiatives in education.


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