Healthcare News

Signs of narcissism we should know about


Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

  • From lack of accountability to grandiosity, here are a few signs of narcissism to watch out for.


Narcissism refers to a behavioural pattern where a person thinks very highly of himself/herself and believes that others are inferior. They constantly need admiration and lack empathy for others. However, Therapist Gessica Di Stefano added that a proper psychological evaluation is required to diagnose Narcissism. Here are a few signs of Narcissism to watch out for.(Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Narcissism refers to a behavioural pattern where a person thinks very highly of himself/herself and believes that others are inferior. They constantly need admiration and lack empathy for others. However, Therapist Gessica Di Stefano added that a proper psychological evaluation is required to diagnose Narcissism. Here are a few signs of Narcissism to watch out for.(Unsplash)


Gandiosity: Narcissists believe in an exaggerated version of their own selves, and also constantly try to suppress others. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Gandiosity: Narcissists believe in an exaggerated version of their own selves, and also constantly try to suppress others. (Unsplash)


Lack of empathy: They have no compassion or empathy for others, and believe that they should be admired at all times. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Lack of empathy: They have no compassion or empathy for others, and believe that they should be admired at all times. (Unsplash)


Exploitative behaviour: They are always focused on their own needs and ways of meeting them, often manipulating and exploiting others. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Exploitative behaviour: They are always focused on their own needs and ways of meeting them, often manipulating and exploiting others. (Unsplash)


Lack of accountability: They also refuse to be responsible for the mistakes made by them and atre constantly blaming others. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Lack of accountability: They also refuse to be responsible for the mistakes made by them and atre constantly blaming others. (Unsplash)


Difficulty with criticism: They cannot handle criticism directed to them, and often end up having rash reactions. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jan 06, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Difficulty with criticism: They cannot handle criticism directed to them, and often end up having rash reactions. (Unsplash)


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