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Skincare myths and misconceptions you need to stop believing now | Health


When it comes to skincare and beauty amidst the oddball trends and questionable advice, there are some enduring myths and misconceptions that are in need of some serious debunking. Skin, our body’s largest organ, deserves our utmost care but with the abundance of skincare advice and products out there, it’s easy to get caught up and make mistakes that harm our skin.

Skincare myths and misconceptions you need to stop believing now for healthy and radiant skin (Photo by Perchek Industrie on Unsplash )
Skincare myths and misconceptions you need to stop believing now for healthy and radiant skin (Photo by Perchek Industrie on Unsplash )

So grab your sheet mask and get ready to separate fact from fiction, as we dive into some of the weirdest and wackiest skincare myths and explore the truth behind them. Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast or a skincare skeptic, you’re sure to find some surprises in this quirky and unconventional guide to healthy and radiant skin.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Tulsi Gosai, Co-Founder of Akihi, debunked some skincare myths and misconceptions –

  1. Myth: Eating oily foods causes acne

Fact: The truth is that an oily substance called sebum causes acne. It’s made and secreted by the skin. In fact, there’s no evidence that any specific food causes acne.

2. Myth: Oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer

Fact: All skin types, including oily skin, need moisturizer. Moisturizer helps to keep the skin hydrated and healthy, and can actually help to regulate oil production.

3. Myth: You only need to wear sunscreen on sunny days

Fact: UV rays can damage your skin even on cloudy or overcast days. It’s important to wear sunscreen every day, even when it’s not sunny.

4. Myth: Skincare products need to be expensive to be effective

Fact: Expensive products are not necessarily better than more affordable options. The most important thing is to find products that work well for your skin type and concerns.

5. Myth: You should use a lot of product to see results

Fact: Using too much product can actually be counterproductive and can cause irritation or breakouts. It’s important to use the recommended amount of product for your skin type and to follow the instructions on the packaging.

6. Myth: Natural ingredients are always better for your skin

Fact: While natural ingredients can be beneficial for your skin, not all natural ingredients are created equal. Some natural ingredients can actually be irritating or harmful to your skin, and some synthetic ingredients can be highly effective.

7. Myth: Skincare products can fix all of your skin problems

Fact: Skincare products can certainly help to improve the appearance of your skin, but they can’t fix all of your skin problems. Factors like genetics, lifestyle and overall health can also play a role in the health of your skin.

Adding to the list of misconception, Ritika Jayaswal, CEO and Founder of Nourish Mantra, busted some myths that we may have believed and mistakes that we may have done:

Myth #1: Oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer

Fact: False! All skin types, including oily skin, need a moisturizer. Skipping moisturizer can lead to dehydration, causing the skin to produce even more oil, exacerbating the problem. Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers that provide hydration without clogging the pores.

Myth #2: The higher the SPF, the better

Fact: Not necessarily. While sun protection is crucial, SPF alone is not the only factor to be considered. Look for broad-spectrum sunscreens with SPF 30-50 that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Don’t forget to reapply it every two hours.

Myth #3: Exfoliating every day is good for the skin

Fact: Wrong! Over-exfoliating can strip the skin’s natural barrier, leading to redness, dryness, and sensitivity. Stick to exfoliating 1-2 times per week using gentle, chemical exfoliants, and avoid harsh scrubs that can cause micro-tears in the skin.

Myth #4: Natural skincare products are always safe

Fact: Not necessarily. Just because a product is labeled as “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe for everyone. Natural ingredients can still cause allergies or irritations. Always patch test new products and consult with a dermatologist if you have sensitive skin or existing skin conditions.

Myth #5: Skincare products can cure acne overnight

Fact: Unfortunately, no magic potion exists. Acne is a complex skin condition that requires consistent, long-term treatment. Avoid picking at pimples, as it can worsen inflammation and scarring. Stick to a skincare routine with proven acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, and be patient with the results.

It’s important to educate yourself on skincare and to separate fact from fiction. By doing so, you can create a skincare routine that is effective and tailored to your unique needs.


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