Education & Training News

Study abroad: Change in UK’s international students’ dependent policy explained


Starting January 2024, foreign postgraduate students enrolled in non-research courses will no longer be able to bring family members to the United Kingdom (UK).

This policy change will impact the decision-making process for prospective students from India as well. Being unable to bring dependants could dissuade students from considering the UK as a study destination.(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
This policy change will impact the decision-making process for prospective students from India as well. Being unable to bring dependants could dissuade students from considering the UK as a study destination.(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Previously, under the umbrella of the dependant visa, international students were allowed to bring their family members, including spouses and children, to the UK. These new restrictions only impact international students at the postgraduate level. Undergraduate students in the UK were already prohibited from bringing dependants with them.

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This policy change will impact the decision-making process for prospective students from India as well. Being unable to bring dependants could dissuade students from considering the UK as a study destination.

In an exclusive interview, Karunn Kandoi, Chief Experience Officer, ApplyBoard, a global education technology platform, explains the ramifications of this policy and the choices that Indian students have of education destinations that have dependant-friendly rules.

How will this new policy that comes into effect in January 2024 impact the choice of students who wish to go abroad for higher studies?

This policy change may influence the decision-making process for prospective students from India. Being unable to bring dependants could dissuade students from considering the UK as a study destination.

However, UK postgraduate programs only take about a year to complete, which is short compared to other destination markets. With these changes in place, it depends on the students and their individual preferences on how important it is for them to bring their families with them to the destination country.

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Who is considered a ‘dependant’?

The definition of a ‘dependant’ can vary from one country to another, and it is typically determined by immigration and visa regulations.

In the UK, a ‘dependant’ is generally defined as a family member who relies on the primary visa holder for their financial support and is allowed to join them in the UK. This can include a spouse or civil partner, unmarried partner, and children under the age of 18. In some cases, dependant visas can also be issued to other family members, such as children over 18, parents, or grandparents, but this depends on the specific visa category.

In Canada, a ‘dependant’ can include spouse or common-law partners, children under the age of 22 and parents and grandparents (in certain immigration programs).

In Australia, a ‘dependant’ can include a spouse or de facto partner, children, and other family members, in some cases, based on the specific visa category.

In the USA, a ‘dependant’ is typically defined as a family member who can be sponsored by the primary visa holder to join them in the country. Common dependants include spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21.

What rights/benefits will the dependants have under the amended rule in the UK?

The rights and benefits for dependants under the amended rules in the UK vary based on the specific visa category, but they generally include legal residence, work rights for adult dependants, access to healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS), access to education for dependant children, and the ability to travel in and out of the UK while the primary visa holder’s visa is valid.

The duration of the dependant’s visa typically aligns with that of the primary visa holder. The amended policy rules may have introduced changes, so it is advisable to refer to the UK Home Office or the specific visa program’s official guidelines for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding dependants’ rights and benefits.

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Compare the rights/benefits of international student dependents in the US, Australia, Canada and the EU?

The rights and benefits of international student dependants vary across countries, and depends on the exact class or category of the visa.

● In the United States, they can legally reside and work, and access to healthcare and education may differ based on the specific visa category.

● In Australia, dependants can typically work and access the education system, with healthcare access varying.

● In Canada, dependants can reside, work, access healthcare, and education.

● Within the European Union, rights and benefits for dependants vary among member countries, including legal residence, education access, healthcare access, and work rights, subject to the specific regulations of the host country.

With the Spring 2024 enrolment round the bend, have you noticed a paradigm shift in universities that Indian students are opting for now?

The UK remains a popular destination for students from India, though feedback suggests demand is softening as we go into 2024. That said, we’re seeing a significant increase in the speed and volume of offers being released to Indian students by UK universities through the ApplyBoard Platform, which is great news for everyone considering the UK.

The visa process is generally quick and easy and so students applying to the UK are being accepted right up until the end of the year in many cases.

Between 2021 and 2022, India was issued the most numerous of dependant US visas. Is the US the obvious choice for Indian students planning to take along dependants for the duration of education?

Even though the US issued the most dependant visas to Indian students, the inability for dependants to work may discourage international students from bringing their families with them or may encourage them to look elsewhere to study.

Recently, the number of new dependants in Australia surged, with a remarkable 136% increase year-over-year. During the Australian government’s fiscal year July 2022 to June 2023, 7,114 dependant visas were granted to Indians on study visas placing India in the top position with a dependant-to-main applicant ratio of 0.20.

In Canada, dependants have the option to apply for a study permit, work permit, or visitor visa. The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) provides a well-defined pathway for international students and their immediate family members (spouses and young children) to stay in Canada and gain the post-graduation work experience required for permanent residency applications.


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