Healthcare News

What is Dermatillomania? Signs we should be aware of


Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

  • From being unaware of picking spikes to noticeable damage to skin, here are a few signs of Dermatillomania we should know about.


Dermatillomania, also known as Skin Picking Disorder is characterised by a person's repetitive picking on the skin, leading to noticeable damage. "Someone with skin picking disorder will spend minutes or ever hours at a time picking at their skin. This behavior is often habitual and may be hard for the individual to realize that they are engaging in the behavior," wrote Therapist Maythal Eshaghian.(Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

Dermatillomania, also known as Skin Picking Disorder is characterised by a person’s repetitive picking on the skin, leading to noticeable damage. “Someone with skin picking disorder will spend minutes or ever hours at a time picking at their skin. This behavior is often habitual and may be hard for the individual to realize that they are engaging in the behavior,” wrote Therapist Maythal Eshaghian.(Unsplash)


People with Dermatillomania may have failed attempts in stopping this behaviour pattern. Often, they do not notice that they are picking their skin. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

People with Dermatillomania may have failed attempts in stopping this behaviour pattern. Often, they do not notice that they are picking their skin. (Unsplash)


Skin picking can be picked up as a habit in an attempt to deal with stress or anxiety, and slowly lead to Dermatillomania. (UnsplasUnsplashh)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

Skin picking can be picked up as a habit in an attempt to deal with stress or anxiety, and slowly lead to Dermatillomania. (UnsplasUnsplashh)


Unpleasant emotions, sensations or decision making can often trigger skin picking. Often Dermatillomania begins at early adolescence. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

Unpleasant emotions, sensations or decision making can often trigger skin picking. Often Dermatillomania begins at early adolescence. (Unsplash)


Dermatillomania also denotes touching, rubbing or picking skin to enhance the areas that we feel are very imperfect or very smooth. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

Dermatillomania also denotes touching, rubbing or picking skin to enhance the areas that we feel are very imperfect or very smooth. (Unsplash)


Recurrent skin picking can lead to skin damage. People with Dermatillomania are sometimes not aware of the picking spikes. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 27, 2023 04:18 PM IST

Recurrent skin picking can lead to skin damage. People with Dermatillomania are sometimes not aware of the picking spikes. (Unsplash)


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