News Science & Technology

What is watsonx, IBM’s next-generation AI and data platform?


IBM on Tuesday showcased its latest next-generational artificial intelligence (AI) and data platform WatsonX at the Think 2023 event in Mumbai. The platform has a set of AI assistants to help one scale and accelerate the impact of artificial intelligence through trusted data across his/her business.

IBM's watsonx being demonstrated at the Think 2023 in Mumbai.
IBM’s watsonx being demonstrated at the Think 2023 in Mumbai.

IBM said watsonx was launched to ease current enterprise AI burdens and enable them to deploy enterprise-ready and trustworthy AI more easily and at scale. The company in July had announced the rolling out of this platform.

The AI platform watsonx empowers enterprises to leverage the full potential of AI throughout their operations, utilizing data from any source and unlock new levels of productivity, performance, and speed, driving substantial business value for clients. The platform comprises three integral components:
This component puts state-of-the-art, proprietary foundation models in the hands of businesses. It is a next generation enterprise platform for the AI builders to “train, validate, tune, and deploy” both traditional machine learning and new generative AI capabilities powered by foundation models through an open and intuitive user interface. The library includes open-source models from Hugging Face, delivering on IBM’s open ecosystem approach.
It is a fit-for-purpose data store optimised for governed data and AI workloads. It is designed to enable enterprises to scale AI workloads by harnessing their entire data landscape, this purpose-built data store optimizes governance and supports AI workloads, offering querying, governance, and open data formats for easy access and data sharing.

Lastly, it is an end-to-end toolkit encompassing both data and AI governance. it helps clients create responsible, transparent and explainable AI workflows by providing AI governance capabilities like model management throughout the AI lifecycle.


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