Healthcare News

Expert tips to boost happy chemicals in the brain


Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

  • From Oxytocin to Endorphins, here are a few ways to boost the happy chemicals in the brain. Take a look.


Cortisol, the stress hormone, can disrupt the release of neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Oxytocin and Endorphins. This can lead to mood disorders and anxiety. "The relationship is reciprocal, though, meaning that engaging in activities that boost these happy brain chemicals positively influences mood and emotional well-being. It can act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress, helping to regulate cortisol levels," wrote Nutritionist Marina Wright.(Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Cortisol, the stress hormone, can disrupt the release of neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Oxytocin and Endorphins. This can lead to mood disorders and anxiety. “The relationship is reciprocal, though, meaning that engaging in activities that boost these happy brain chemicals positively influences mood and emotional well-being. It can act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress, helping to regulate cortisol levels,” wrote Nutritionist Marina Wright.(Unsplash)


Pursuing hobbies and engaging in activities that can give us the sense of accomplishment can help in the release of Dopamine. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Pursuing hobbies and engaging in activities that can give us the sense of accomplishment can help in the release of Dopamine. (Unsplash)


Practicing mindfulness, getting a lot of natural light and spending time in nature helps in boosting Serotonin. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Practicing mindfulness, getting a lot of natural light and spending time in nature helps in boosting Serotonin. (Unsplash)


Participating in social activities, meeting people we feel happy with and doing random acts of kindness can help in the release of Oxytocin. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Participating in social activities, meeting people we feel happy with and doing random acts of kindness can help in the release of Oxytocin. (Unsplash)


Activities that can bring playfulness and fun, and exercises can boost the release of Endorphins.(Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 25, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Activities that can bring playfulness and fun, and exercises can boost the release of Endorphins.(Unsplash)


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